Sunday, May 27, 2012

River Boat

River Boat, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

one of the many boats that ply the riverwalk in San Antonio,Texas

Showing Off Our Beads

Showing Off Our Beads, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Eliza & her parents got to celebrate St. Paddy's day in New Orleans!! looks as if they had fun at the parade


Riverwalk, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

We spent some time in San Antonia this spring & parts of Texas...had a great time


Grillmaster, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Robert was grilling up burgers for the boys party

Cars Cake

Cars Cake, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

And this was Nathan's birthday cake...very good


Smile!!, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

These two are always having a good time when they get together

Birthday Boy Nathan

Birthday Boy Nathan, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Nathan turned 4 one day after Cody

Monster Trucks cake

Monster Trucks cake, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

This was the cake for Cody's 9th was delish!!

Cody at 9

Cody at 9, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Looking sly & cool...Cody turned 9

Mama & Dada

Mama & Dada, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Eliza took this photo of her paerents...she is learning to take some good photos

Red-winged Blackbird

Red-winged Blackbird, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Another red-winged Blackbird,this one in our backyard

center of attention

center of attention, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

This heron lined up nicely on the bridge..everything centered

Guarding the nest

Guarding the nest, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

This bald eagle is guarding the nest while it's mate is out


Buffleheads, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Two Bufflehead ducks just swimming along

read the sign...

read the sign..., originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

A Rough-legged Hawk waiting to retrieve it's prey

Northern Shoveler

Northern Shoveler, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

a very colorful duck,this is a Northern Shoveler

Buck & doe

Buck & doe, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Saw these also down in KFalls,Oregon

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

An American Bald of many we see in KFalls,Oregon every winter

Redwinged Blackbird

Redwinged Blackbird, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Resting on a reed,a lone little Red-winged Blackbird

Red-Shouldered Hawk

Red-Shouldered Hawk, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

This hawk doesn't care what the sign says...Klamath Falls,oregon

Can I keep him?

Can I keep him?, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Cody's new buddy...


Nathan, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Nathan taking his turn sitting in the dragster at the Sportsman show


Levi, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

This monkey is in the pirate movies with Johnny Depp...his name is

Having fun!!

Having fun!!, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

These 4 Oregon cousins were "camping" it up at the Sportsman show

Yellow crowned Sparrow

Yellow crowned Sparrow, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Taken on a chilly January day at Delta Ponds

All the Girls

All the Girls, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Here all the girls during Mike & Dani's visit

The Watkins

The Watkins, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Robert & Brittanni

The girls

The girls, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Jamie & Dani

The Gang

The Gang, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

We all got together when the Denver Stevens were in town after the holidays

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Eliza welcoming in the New Year...2012


11-27-Red-Lights-Smile, originally uploaded by littlelostrobot.

Here is Eliza in a tangel of light for her Christmas photo

Pretty Smile

Pretty Smile, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Such a sweet,pretty smile Jadyn has


"Yes!!", originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Again,Santa came thru on a much requested gift!

Rocky j

Rocky j, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Checking out a jersey he recieved

Ready to Start

Ready to Start, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

These 4 cousins were ready to start opening presents on Christmas day..

Fast & furiuos

Fast & furiuos, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Jadyn didn't waste any time opening a gift when it was her turn

Robert & Brittanni

Robert & Brittanni, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Christmas Day at Rocky & Jamie's place,Robert & Brittanni

Video Games

Video Games, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Cody & Drew playing a video game on the Wii on Christmas Day,2011

A happy camper

A happy camper, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Cody really wanted this pillowpet...he loves his Oregon Ducks!

Waiting for Santa

Waiting for Santa, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Nathan & Cody on Christmas Eve 2011

Painted Bunting

Painted Bunting, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

A bird we don't see in Oegon, a painted Bunting...very colorful bird

Fly Away

Fly Away, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

A Roseate spoonbill in flight...pretty in pink!

Green Flash

Green Flash, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

A really great place to eat & drink while enjoying the view,on Captiva Island,Florida

Looking for...?

Looking for...?, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

Here is Rock looking for birds on Sanibel Island,Florida

Common Buckeye

Common Buckeye, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

A pretty butterfly,called a common buckeye

Dinner is served!

Dinner is served!, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

A Anhinga got his fish


Killdeer, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

a lone killdeer,a member of the plover family of shore birds

Up close

Up close, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

a closer view of a tri-colored heron

"Why,Hello there.."

"Why,Hello there..", originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

This alligator & heron kept a close eye on each other

Peeking out

Peeking out, originally uploaded by Rockyrosa.

This is a Common Cooter turtle that was crossing the road